Implementation of Management Systems

Implementation of Management Systems by international, national and industry standards is the main area of our services.
Wdrażanie Systemów Zarządzania

By implementation of Management Systems based on recognized standards, organizations can achieve many benefits for the effective conduct of internal processes.

Management systems operating in accordance with international ISO standards are the most known and effective tools for managing organizations. The popularity of these systems is the fact that worldwide the number of organizations that have implemented and have certified their management systems approaching the level of approx. 1 million!

Currently, it is difficult to imagine a company that thinks about the development – gaining new customers and markets, if it is unable to demonstrate that it is skilfully managed. The best way to gain the trust of clients is implementation of the management system and to confirm its operation by means of an appropriate certificate.

However, apart from the obvious marketing advantages, a company functioning in the framework of a formal management system achieves many internal benefits, such as:

  • ordering processes in the organization,
  • clear assignment of responsibility and authority for each activity,
  • determining the rules for key actions,
  • developing a clear and uniform documentation,
  • increase of efficiency and effectiveness of the actions,
  • reducing the amount of non-compliance,
  • continuous improvement of the organization as a whole and workers,
  • the use of effective tools for the removal of non-compliance and to prevent their recurrence.

Implementation of management systems - range of services:

Wdrażanie i doskonalenie Systemu Zarządzania Jakością wg normy ISO 9001:2015ISO 9001 is the most famous and recognized standard for quality management. The versatility of standards makes that it can be implemented in various organizations.

Its basic premise is to prevent losses associated with poor quality of products and services.

ISO 9001 relates to a method for managing the organization – contains no direct requirements for products and services. Conceptually sound – an effective quality management system will help your company to obtain repeatability of activities and products quality.

We offer you help in developing a well-functioning, “tailor made” management system. Our primary objective is to design and implement tools that will support your company, and it should not impede its development.

We are pleased to provide you with support in the implementation of the system and measures aimed at the improvement of the system already implemented. Implementation of Quality Management Systems based on ISO 9001:2015 with our support can be simple and effective!

Wdrażanie Systemu Zarządzania Środowiskowego wg normy ISO 14001:2015

Undoubted is that every company, regardless of its size and nature of its activities, has an impact on the environment.

It is also generally known that the ability of the environment to a self-regeneration is limited. Therefore it is extremely important that we all should make the most contribution to environmental protection, which, after all, we are part of.

An extremely useful tool for the protection of the environment can be Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001:2015. It is based on the legal requirements that apply to the organization, the fulfillment of which is a basic prerequisite for the functioning of such system.

The implementation of an Environmental Management System is to identify areas in which there is a relationship between the company and the environment and determining the tools of supervision over these areas. By using appropriate monitoring, the organization is able to measure the level of influence and define goals that will reduce this level.

Conscious and responsible use of the environment in the framework of the Environmental Management System does not have to argue with measures to increase the competitiveness and profits – on the contrary, in a longer period of time it can lead to significant cost savings.

We are pleased to provide you with support in the implementation of the system and measures aimed at the improvement.

Implementation of Management Systems based on ISO 14001:2015 with our support can be simple and effective!

Wdrażanie Systemu Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem i Higieną Pracy wg 18001:2007

Performing the work in whatever capacity is associated with risks and the possibility of an accident or occupational disease.

It is the duty of every employer to ensure an adequate level of health and safety at work for each employee.

An effective way of achieving this requirement is the implementation of Health and Safety Management System according to PN-N 18001:2004 or OHSAS 18001:2007. The basic premise of these standards is conscious and responsible management of issues related to occupational health and safety.

This means going beyond the minimum requirements for health and safety laws and regulations.

This approach allows to achieve all the benefits of internal and external:

  • reducing the risk of accidents at work and occupational diseases,
  • compliance with laws on health and safety,
  • raise employee awareness on health and safety.

Conceptually sound – an effective health and safety management system will help you to prevent accidents and occupational diseases.

We are pleased to provide you with support in the implementation of the system and measures aimed at the improvement.

Implementation of Management Systems based on PN-N 18001:2004 or OHSAS 18001:2007 with our support can be simple and effective!


Wdrażanie Systemu Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem Informacji wg ISO/IEC 27001:2013

Information Security Management System according to ISO / IEC 27001:2013 contains a number of requirements for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and improvement of the internal policies and procedures relating to the management of information and other informational assets.

It should be noted, that the implementation of organizational solutions in the field of ICT security is only one element of the system – essential for effective action is also to ensure physical security, organizational, personal, legal or business continuity.

Implementation of Information Security Management System allows organizations to achieve a number of benefits:

  • Improving information management and IT infrastructure
  • The establishment of uniform rules on information security,
  • Classified and inventoried assets
  • Standardization of work in crisis situations
  • Transparent procedures in the event of a security incident
  • Protection of workers against inadvertent security breach
  • Aware and trained employees
  • Reducing the risk of loss of information, through effective investments supported by risk analysis
  • Building a professional image of the company
  • Increasing the attractiveness of the organization

We are pleased to provide you with support in the implementation of the system and measures aimed at the improvement.

Implementation of Management Systems based on ISO / IEC 27001:2013 with our support can be simple and effective!

SA 8000:2014 (Social Accountability 8000) is an international standard for organization social responsibility (CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility).

Standard is based on a set of requirements covering human rights and workers’ rights, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention of the International Labour Organisation.

SA 8000:2014 can be used in all countries of the world, companies in any industry, because the prerequisites are completely elementary and concern the following issues:

  • no child labor,
  • no use of forced labor,
  • fulfillment of the main recommendations of health and safety,
  • freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining,
  • no discrimination,
  • no use of mental or physical coercion against workers,
  • compliance with legal regulations regarding working hours, provision of equitable remuneration.

In addition, the requirements of the standard was extended by the management system issues, such as:

  • policies, procedures and records;
  • CSR Team;
  • identification and risk assessment;
  • monitoring; engagement and communication;
  • complaint management,
  • stakeholder engagement,
  • corrective and preventive actions;
  • training;
  • management of suppliers and subcontractors.

Standard SA 8000:2014 may be a subject to an independent audit, which guarantees corporate social responsibility on adequate level. Obtaining the certificate provides many other benefits – the company certified to SA 8000:2014 presents itself as a reliable and ethical.

More detailed information about SA 8000 you can find on our company blog:

We are pleased to provide you with support in the implementation of the system and measures aimed at the improvement.

Implementation of Management Systems based on the standard SA 8000:2014 with our support can be simple and effective!

The standard combines key elements for ensuring food safety throughout the food chain:

  • preliminary programs (GMP / GHP),
  • HACCP rules, as defined by Codex Alimentarius,
  • management system (the approach is similar to ISO 9001) and communication between the various links in the chain.

The ISO 22000 standard can be implemented in any organization that is part of the food chain, ranging from manufacturers of food intermediates, food manufacturers, catering, transport and storage companies to food processing, packaging and service industries. The threat of food contamination can occur at every stage of the supply chain, and therefore proper control is required throughout the entire food manufacturing process and delivery to the final consumer. Thus, the provision of safe food must be achieved through the collective efforts of all actors in the supply chain.

We are pleased to provide you with support in the implementation of the system and measures aimed at the improvement.

Implementation of Management Systems based on the standard ISO 22000:2005 with our support can be simple and effective!

Global Standard for Food Safety applies to each supplier, regardless of product and country of origin. The global standard is one of the standards of the British Retail Consortium. The standard was established in 1998 in the United Kingdom and was originally directed to food producers supplying their own branded food to the British supermarket chain. Currently, the standard is recognizable worldwide and translated into many languages. At least once every three years, the standard is subject to a review by technical experts and standard users. Standards reviews are designed to ensure continued compliance with the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), address emerging food safety issues, and provide a level of approval that reflects actual production standards.

The BRC family of standards includes:

  • Global Standard for Storage and Distribution – for storage and distribution,
  • Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials – on packaging and packaging materials,
  • Global Consumer for Consumer Products.

We are pleased to provide you with support in the implementation of the system and measures aimed at the improvement.

Implementation of Management Systems based on the BRC standard with our support can be simple and effective!

IFS (International Food Standard) is a standard established for the needs of auditing the suppliers of their own brands, ie food manufacturers supplying products to retail and wholesale chains.

It is used in food production, food processing and food packaging when there is a risk of contamination. The standard was developed in Germany in 2002 by the German association of retailers HDE (Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels).

In 2003, the French Federation of Retail and Wholesale Distributors (FCD) joined the work on the standard. IFS is recognized by global and European HDE and FCD retail chains such as Lidl, Real, Aldi, Metro Group, Auchan, Carrefour, Spar, etc.

We are pleased to provide you with support in the implementation of the system and measures aimed at the improvement.

Implementation of Management Systems based on the IFS standard with our support can be simple and effective!

GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) is a system that defines the rules of conduct to ensure reproducible and qualitative activities in the area of ​​production. GMP is to provide supervised production conditions in order to produce products which are safe and compliant with the legal and customer requirements.

Within GMP there are regulated rules of conduct in areas such as:

  • surroundings, buildings and spaces (including room plans and routes for the flow of raw materials,
  • personnel,
  • waste;raw materials,
  • storage,
  • transportation,
  • production and quality control,
  • identification and traceability,
  • training,
  • water,
  • equipment (machines)
  • prevention and control of pests,
  • staff,
  • washing and disinfection.

Internal benefits for cosmetic companies resulting from the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices GMP are primarily:

  • streamlining management, through a process approach,
  • arranging the internal structure,
  • division of responsibilities and entitlements during production and processes related thereto,
  • streamlining the decision-making system and the flow of information during production and related processes,
  • reduction of operating costs through monitoring and process management in a cosmetic company,
  • ensuring stable, repetitive cosmetic products, which reduces potential customer complaints and complaints and thus increases the credibility of the cosmetic company,
  • increase of productivity while producing cosmetic products,
  • ensuring timely and consistent supplies of raw materials needed to produce cosmetic products,
  • improved image of a cosmetic company,
  • increased credibility in the eyes of customers,
  • increased sales at lower cost,
  • reduced number of complaints,
  • improved cooperation with suppliers.

We are pleased to provide you with support in the implementation of the system and measures aimed at the improvement.

Implementation of Management Systems based on the GMP system with our support can be simple and effective!

The GMP + standard was developed by the Dutch PDV in 1992 as part of the Feed for Food program, to ensure that feed is safe for farm animals intended for consumption by consumers.

This standard was developed in accordance with the requirements of European feed law and the HACCP system.

GMP has developed and made available a family of standards, including:

  • GMP + B1 – Manufacturing, Commerce and Services
  • GMP + B1.2 – Manufacturing, Commerce and Services
  • GMP + B2 – Production of feed ingredients
  • GMP + B3 – Trade, purchase, storage and transshipment of feed
  • GMP + B4 – Transport
  • GMP + B4.3 – Transport by inland waterways

The GMP + standard describes, as closely as possible, the requirements for the various hazards and associated control actions for feed.Each participant is required to establish the type of feed safety hazard for his company and to analyze and control identified hazards using HACCP principles.By complying with the GMP + standard and by obtaining a certificate, the manufacturer can demonstrate that the feed produced or transported by the company is safe.

We are pleased to provide you with support in the implementation of the system and measures aimed at the improvement.

Implementation of Management Systems based on the GMP+ system with our support can be simple and effective!

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