Below we present basic information about ORLEN Upstream Sp. z o.o.:
ORLEN Upstream Sp. z o.o. is a 100% subsidiary of PKN ORLEN S.A. The parent company is one of the largest oil industry corporations in Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover it is the largest in Poland (more on: www.orlen.pl). The company was established and registered on 26.04.2006.
ORLEN Upstream Sp. z o.o. was established to support the implementation of the strategy of PKN ORLEN S.A. of exploration and production of hydrocarbons.
ORLEN Upstream Sp. z o.o. carries out projects related to the search for new hydrocarbon deposits throughout the world. In this way supports the development of the Company’s mothers. In addition, the activities of the company is to participate in projects of extracting hydrocarbons. This action is carried out by entering into partnerships with operators or functioning as an operator.
Looking for more information on ORLEN Upstream Sp. z o.o.?
Check out our client website: http://www.orlenupstream.pl
Below obtained references:
Implementation of Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2008
Implementation of Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001:2004
Implementation of Health and Safety Management System according to PN-N 18001:2004
Project of implementation of the Quality Management System and Environmental Management System was carried out by SOLID CONSULTING at the beginning of operations of ORLEN Upstream Sp. z o.o. – in 2009.
This action was a response not only to the demands of the market, but also on the internal needs of the organization of work. This project was successful, and the next project was to expand the system with the requirements of PN-N 18001:2004.
Interesting is also the fact that we supported ORLEN Upstream Sp. o.o. to obtain, as the first company in Poland, a standard of excellence in procurement processes – CIPS.
With pleasure we will also work for you – we invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer: https://solidconsulting.com.pl/en/our-services/
Since 2009, we supported ORLEN Upstream activities to improve the implemented Integrated Management System.
These activities were carried out by, inter alia, coordination and implementation of internal audits. These were conducted both at the headquarters in Warsaw, as well as at drilling sites.
Our next order was to audit the suppliers of ORLEN Upstream. In this regard, we have completed more than 25 audits. These measures were implemented both in Poland and abroad – eg. in the USA, Mexico and the UK.
Our competence audit were also used to conduct comprehensive audits of conducted in 2012-2013 procurement processes.
In addition, we were responsible for conducting audits of potential suppliers and their subcontractors at the stage of the purchase procedure. It concerned the purchase of waste management services in 2014 (in the framework of this action another 8 companies were audited).
You need robust audits? We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer: https://solidconsulting.com.pl/en/uslugi/management-systems-audits/