Below we present basic information on the Nickel Development:
Nickel Development is a family company, that has been in existence since 1998. Since then it builds houses and apartments in Poznan and Wielkopolska Region. The accumulated knowledge allows each new investment to deploy more perfect building solutions and functionality.
At built by Nickel Development settlements, infrastructure and green areas are an important element of the projects.
Looking for more information on the Nickel Development?
Check out our client website: http://nickel.com.pl
Below obtained references:
For this Client we completed training related to employees soft skills – “Effective negotiation”.
Training for the company Nickel Development was carried out outside of the company. On our side it was to provide a full logistics service, preparation of training program and materials, providing a highly-qualified Trainer and providing the training itself.
A lot of work before the training as part of a solid preparation of the offer and the training program, as well as involvement in the course of its implementation allowed us to meet all the goals of the training. This is a key challenge for us – to always fulfill the requirements placed on us and propose effective solutions to increase the skills of the staff.
Our work has been recognized in the form of written references.
In our offer you will find a range of training topics that we can arrange for you – check out our offer: https://solidconsulting.com.pl/en/uslugi/training/