Below we present basic information about EUJOB Sp. z o.o.:
EUJOB Sp. o.o. is a company operating in the field of general construction. In order to effect its operations, the Company is also engaged in employee leasing industry.
The company operates in Polish and other European Union member states. It has its own extensive database of candidates. Thanks to a matching structures, the company is able to act quickly and effectively.
In order to improve the organization of work the company has implemented Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2008. The primary objective of this activity was to organize the interior of the processes, clear assignment of responsibilities and powers. Further objectives were to implement a number of mechanisms and tools to maintain and continually improve the quality. The company is also aware of the impact on the environment. Therefore, it has implemented the Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004.
Finally the decision was made to implement Health and Safety Management System according to PN-N 18001:2004 to make sure that all occupational health and safety hazards are under control.
Looking for more information on EUJOB Sp. o.o.?
Check out our client website: http://eujob.pl/
Below obtained references:
Implementation of Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2008
Implementation of Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001:2004
Implementation of Health and Safety Management System according to PN-N 18001:2004
Eujob Sp. z o.o. invited us to cooperate and assist in the implementation of the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 and Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004.
Due to the international nature and scope of activities Eujob Sp. o.o. we had to take into account the specific legal requirements and requirements of foreign customers. SOLID CONSULTING carried out comprehensive measures to train staff of Eujob Sp. z o.o., develop system documentation, carry out audits and finally assist during certification process. All these tasks have been completed to the satisfaction of Eujob Sp. o.o.
After implementation we have been asked to assist Eujob Sp. z o.o. in conducting audits and management reviews. In 2016 we have extended the scope of our cooperation by implementing of Health and Safety Management System according to PN-N 18001:2004.
If you are interested in obtaining similar support – we invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer on the website: https://solidconsulting.com.pl/en/uslugi/implementation-of-management-systems/