Below we present basic information about Buhck Ochrona Środowiska Sp. z o.o.:
Buhck Ochrona Środowiska Sp. z o.o. was established in 2007. The company belongs to the German company Buhck Gruppe, which operates in the wider industry related to environmental protection. The primary objective of the company is providing consultancy services in the field of environmental protection for economic operators. Employees of the company have years of experience in the implementation of the Environmental Protection Law and related laws and regulations. Buhck Ochrona Środowiska Sp. z o.o. is a professional, trusted and best business partner for management of all waste. It provides comprehensive, best-fit solutions with the highest effectiveness and compliance with environmental standards. Buhck Ochrona Środowiska Sp. z o.o. wants to protect the environment, take care and promote sustainable development, help customers – competently, professionally, competitively.
Currently, the Company operates under the name Recyclinic Sp. o.o. and consistently implements a number of environmental action, helping to maintain an appropriate environment.
Looking for more information on Buhck Ochrona Środowiska Sp. z o.o.?
Check out our company our client: https://web.facebook.com/Recyclinic
Below obtained references:
Implementation of Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2008
Implementation of Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001:2004
Within the advisory services Buhck Ochrona Środowiska Sp. o.o. we completed a number of activities aimed at developing guidelines, defining the documentation and implementation of the system, together with training for employees and managers.
The project was completed in the anticipated time frame and ended with a positive result of the audits conducted by an accredited certification body. The audit found no discrepancies, which became the basis for granting a positive recommendation for certification. An expression of customer satisfaction from realized consulting and training services are received written references.
For us, this is the greatest honor and the reason for the huge satisfaction.
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