Management Systems Audits verify the activities of the company in terms of compliance with legal requirements, standards and procedures.

Management systems audits are one of the tools to verify the effectiveness of the company.
Type of conducted audit depends on the goals of the audit and a set of criteria – a set of requirements to be examined with the use of audit.
Management Systems Audits are only a part of what we offer – we conduct legal, second party and contract audits.
In this regard, we would like to offer you the following services:
Performed before starting the project of management system implementation in order to assess the degree of compliance with the requirements of specified standards.
This audit helps to prepare the company for the implementation of the management system by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the company with regard to the individual requirements of the standards.
Carried out before certifying audit to verify compliance of management system with the reference standard.
The results of this audit are the basis for the decision to begin the certification process or implementation of improvement activities.
Aimed at companies that need an objective assessment and verification whether the system meets the relevant requirements, and those who want to avoid surprises during the certification audit.
Carried out to determine whether the management system complies with the requirements, and that its efficiency is still increased.
Conducting internal audits are mandatory for all management systems.
They should, however, be carried out by trained and experienced auditors to give real added value for the company.
It is reasonable to consider the benefits of internal audits conducted by external entity. As a result, companies save on training of their own auditors and peeling them from their daily duties. At the same time ‘fresh look’ from people not involved in the audited area and having a thorough understanding of management systems and regulations, can contribute to the achievement of additional – measurable benefits.
We run effective legal audits in the field environmental, health and safety, labor law, personal data protection and related regulations. The scope and nature of the audits depends on the needs, expectations and is specific to the industry.
We adjust to the needs of the Clients’ with the methodology of the audit with regard to the main objective of the audit.
If you want to confirm the ability of potential suppliers to meet your requirements, or to verify the method of implementation of the signed contract, and you do not have enough time or adequate resources – we will do for you a robust audit.
Audit can extend to other aspects of external companies – special attention should be paid to the legal audits, to confirm the degree of fulfillment of certain legal requirements by the supplier. According to the specific requirements of the audit, it may also focus on issues of management systems – the verification and assessment of Supplier’ management system or compliance with the requirements of the party ordering the audit.
We can also prepare a methodology for the audits of suppliers (procedures, criteria and audit questionnaires) and conduct a professional audit on your behalf.
With the audit tool we analyze trade agreements with contractors, particularly in terms of representation of the parties, the accuracy of drafting the annexes, to verify the authenticity of the documents submitted to the agreement.
We verify the correctness of the service – in line with the requirements of the agreement.
On request, we check the contract for business risks.
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