Business unit: Designing ICT networks
Location: Swarzędz
Below we present basic information about PUHW POLISYSTEM:

The company PUHW POLISYSTEM performs work for the needs of investors such as:

  • Telekomunikacja Polska S.A.
  • Netia SA,
  • PTC Sp. z o. o,
  • Polkomtel SA,
  • and others.

At PUHW POLISYSTEM they work with designers with appropriate permissions and qualifications to perform the project documentation in the field of various types of telecommunication networks. In addition, constant contact with the authorities allow them to customize the services rendered to the current regulations, procedures and Construction Law. The company PUHW POLISYSTEM operates within the framework of the investment in the telecommunications industry in the design (including obtaining the required arrangements, opinions and permits), construction and geodetic services

Looking for more information on PUHW Polisystem?

Check out our client website: http://polisystem.pl

Below obtained references:

Implementation of Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2008

Within the advisory services for PUHW POLISYSTEM we have completed a number of activities aimed at developing guidelines, defining the documentation and implementation of the system, together with training for employees and managers.
The project was completed in the anticipated time frame and ended with a positive result of the audit conducted by an accredited certification body. From then we support them in the improvement of the Quality Management System, including internal audits and training for employees.
If you are interested in obtaining similar support and implementation of the Management System according to ISO 9001:2008 is an important step in the development of your company – we invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer on the website: https://solidconsulting.com.pl/en/uslugi/implementation-of-management-systems/

PUHW POLISYSTEM invited us to develop the documentation concerning the Protection of Personal Data.

We have developed a dedicated documentation in the form of a security policy of personal data and instruction for systems used for data processing.

If you are interested in obtaining support for the Protection of Personal Data – we invite you to read the offer: https://solidconsulting.com.pl/en/uslugi/personal-data-protection/

a broad approach to the challenges and exceptional commitment

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