Below we present basic information about the company Grupa Marketingowa TAI Sp. z o.o.:
Grupa Marketingowa TAI Sp. z o.o. is a modern company, which consists of strong product divisions grouped under one brand. This is one of the few companies in the market that offers services tailored to the needs of their clients at all stages of their business activities.
Strengths of Grupa Marketingowa TAI Sp. z o.o. are: 25 years of experience, professionalism, complexity and modernity.
Grupa Marketingowa TAI Sp. z o.o. consists of two brands:
- Service Pressinfo.pl – it is the largest on the Polish market data warehouse for procurement, requisition and investment.
- Targetmarketing.pl offers professional B2B database, which is a great tool for profiling sales and marketing.
Looking for more information about the Grupa Marketingowa TAI Sp. z o.o. ?
Check out our client website: http://www.tai.pl
Below obtained references:
For Grupa Marketingowa TAI Sp. z o.o. we conducted a series of training on the subject “Professional call center.”
The training was carried out away from their company for three groups of employees.
The basis of the training was the our original program, professionally presented by the Trainer during classes.
We invite you to use the services of organizing training by SOLID CONSULTING – for more information visit: https://solidconsulting.com.pl/en/uslugi/training/